Golden Thank Yous: The Official Currency of the Milky Way Galaxy
Teachers Parents Kids Print Your Own Design Your Own Accessories Trevor the Time Traveler Math and Science
     Golden Thank Yous     

Free educational currency for kids to earn from their parents and teachers

Print and cut up your own Golden Thank Yous at home or at school. The fronts and backs of Golden Thank Yous are full of math and science authored by Professor Hubert Bray. You can also design your own backs for Golden Thank Yous, all for free.

Some examples of the back sides of Golden Thank Yous:
 MultiplicationGreat ScientistsNines

Also, pick up a copy of Professor Bray's book (ages 7 to 14 and up), "Trevor the Time Traveler and the Murkian Threat." In the story, Trevor and his sister Farrah become secret agents for the most advanced civilization in the Milky Way Galaxy whose currency translates into English as a "Golden Thank You." While the book is a lot of fun to read, it is also a vehicle for Professor Bray to explain some of the most amazing true science ideas ever discovered, including brief discussions of Special and General Relativity.

Trevor the Time Traveler and the Murkian Threat

Special offer for teachers: If your class reads  "Trevor the Time Traveler and the Murkian Threat," the author, who is a professor of math and physics at Duke University, will do his best to schedule a video phone call via Skype (or just a regular speaker phone call if you prefer) with you and your class so that students may ask questions about Trevor's and Farrah's adventures, the science behind their story, and the universe.  Click here to request a date and time on Professor Bray's calendar up to 3 months in advance.

 You can also watch one of  Professor Bray's presentations to a large audience of kids in the "Math and Science" section.